Advion Roach Gel Bait


SKU: 807757 Categories: ,


Get unbeatable, professional results in infestation elimination with new Advion Roach Bait Gel. Advion Roach Bait Gel is powered by a unique, high-performing bait matrix that targets even the toughest species of gel bait-averse roaches including German, American, and Brown-Banded. Apply Advion Roach Bait Gel as a crack and crevice treatment indoors and outdoors in commercial, residential, and industrial sites. We provide 1 Plunger per order to expel the bait from the tubes. You can purchase a bait gun for use with this product.
Accessories Optional Masterline Bait Gun
Manufacturer Syngenta
Product Label Roach Bait Label
Target Pest German, American, Australian, Smoky-Brown, Brown, Asian, and Brown-Banded species of cockroaches
Active Ingredient (s) Indoxacarb 0.6 %
For Use : Residential, Institutional, Commercial and Industrial Areas Use sites include but are not limited to single and multifamily residential buildings, schools, commercial and industrial facilities (including warehouses, apartments, supermarkets, restaurants, motels, hotels, hospitals, food handling/storage establishments), and transportation equipment such as aircraft, trains, ships, boats, buses
Yield 3 to 5 spots of gel bait per 10 linear feet for heavy infestations. 1 to 3 spots of gel bait per 10 linear feet for light to moderate infestations.
Mixture/Application Avoid applying ADVION cockroach gel to surfaces recently treated with residual sprays. Surfaces treated with ADVION cockroach gel should not be treated with residual sprays. Repeat applications may be made upon inspection during follow-up inspections of the treated areas. Do not apply to surfaces that food contacts. Do not allow open foods to contact gel material. Refer to label.
Shipping Restrictions NY

Additional information

Weight 0.10 lbs
Dimensions 1.5 × 2.5 × 5.5 in

Each, 4-pack


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